Scripted Moto Youtube

Hello! I&aposm Vishal Jadhav. As a lifelong enthusiast of two-wheeled adventures and an avid hiker, I&aposve always found my greatest inspiration while on the move. Whether it&aposs curving through scenic backroads or trekking up a challenging trail, these experiences drive my passion for exploring the great outdoors.

Professionally, I am a seasoned software engineer with a deep-seated love for technology. My journey in tech began over a decade ago, which has since evolved into a thriving entrepreneurial career. I founded ScriptedMoto to merge my technical skills with my adventurous spirit, aiming to create innovative solutions that enhance the experiences of fellow touring enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers.

Here at ScriptedMoto, we leverage cutting-edge technology to develop tools that make planning, executing, and sharing your adventures easier than ever. Whether you're gearing up for a cross-country motorcycle tour or preparing for a mountain hike, our platform is designed to support your passion for adventure.

Join me as we explore the world on two wheels and on foot, armed with the best that technology can offer. Let's take the road less traveled together!